tony was of course awesome, and i couldn't wait until lauren moved down to tell her all about it! they had a long distance relationship up until cincinnati, and i was the one who got to watch their love grow.... cheesy i know, but so true! ...moving on 1.5 years and tony tells all of my friends he is going to propose to lauren... HELLOOO! i guess tony knew not to tell me... luckily my friends can't keep secrets so about two weeks later i find out, and good thing because EVERY phone call from lauren, i got a little excited and would scream before answering "LAUREN'S ENGAGED!!" i think i did that for two months.... now they are officially engaged, happy and getting married in july!! i'm packin' my bags, headed to quincy, and enjoying this wedding as a guest. thank you kids for being my friend.
lauren has some pretty eyes

tony has some very handsome eyes

don't you just love these two!?