watch out now, these two may be some of the most amazing people ever. i swear every photo of theirs was just gorgeous, i think they are secretly models..... not only are they beautiful people, they have amazing personalities. both morgan and eric are friendly, hilarious, genuine, and just great people to be around. our 3 hours together went by super quick, and of course was quite the success. they are getting married in december and i cannot wait! i'm pretty sure my face will hurt by the end of their wedding from laughter. I AM PUMPED!
okay and now on with the awesome....
this is just outside of where their wedding reception will take place

i love the colors

cute? um, duh


i told you. models.

i love everything about this photo

we all got excited about the yellow wall

so i have a track record of getting kicked out of devou park....
so, we had to change places to covington and it got dark, real quick.
luckily it made for this super cute photo

gotta love a couple that will do the old pickin' the nose trick

once again, i do not lie my friends
countdown to their wedding starts now