well finally i am coming around to blog about it.... sorry for the delay. so everyone knows popular engagement times of the year..... december is one of the biggest, and this past december it hit close to home. monday, december 13th, my best friend comes storming through my house "LOOK AT MY ENGAGEMENT RING!!" i totally called the engagement earlier that day, i know a thing or two about couples. donna is actually the one who taught me how to be so loud and annoying.... you should have heard the house that night!!
10 days later....
i wake up to texts from my friends "HAPPY ENGAGEMENT DAY!!" i was even given rules, on which phones to call that evening. apparently going out to dinner equals engagement??
well, they were right!! at this point the only person who knew was my dad, so i guess friends do know a lot about each other. we started making phone calls, and letting everyone know. thanks to marc's friends, they got a hold of half of my friends and family before i could! glad to know they were excited
well, if you knew a thing or two about the dynamic duo of ash & donna.... you would think it was planned.... WELL IT WAS NOT! which makes it even 100000 times more exciting. we are starting on the planning, ready for the next few years of weddings.
donna & justin wedding date: TBD 2013?
ash & marc wedding date: June 9, 2012
and now the rings


both rings are so different, but both amazingly beautiful
and the 4 of us the past few years

justin lies....he totally loves his girlfriend!
also a congratulations to our friends christine & michael
they are planning to marry april 2012
lOVE this blog....so exciting for all parties involved! Good Luck Ashley and Donna with wedding planning!!!!